The Ultimate Guide to Biking in Madison Wisconsin

Parting Thoughts on Biking in Madison

With an abundance of parks and bike paths, it’s no surprise that Madison is one of the nation’s fittest cities. The 2022 American Fitness Index lists Madison as the second fittest city in the country, which isn’t bad for a state known for cheese and beer!

It’s more than just Madisonians who benefit from the city’s bike-friendly infrastructure. A report from the Adventure Cycling Association has information about the economic impact of bicycle tourism across the country 

The Outdoor Industry Association released a study in 2017, The Outdoor Recreation Economy, which found that bicycling participants spend $83 billion on ‘trip-related’ sales (bicycle tourism), and generate $97 billion in retail spending. Bicycle recreation spending also contributes to the creation of 848,000 jobs.

Additionally, the Bureau of Economic Analysis included outdoor recreation in its calculations of the U.S. GDP for the first time in 2018. They estimate the economic output of outdoor recreation to be $734 billion, surpassing industries such as agriculture, petroleum and coal, and computer and electronic products.

So, whether you are just visiting or one of the nearly 300,000 people who call the City of Four Lakes home, we hope that you’ve enjoyed this guide to the best bike rides in Madison.

Please let us know what you think we’ve got right, but more importantly, if you think we got something wrong. It is our goal to bring you the most accurate information so you can enjoy Madison on two wheels as much as we did!

Remember to ride safely and read our bike disclaimer before you go!

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