The Deer Valley Difference – A Concierge Review of Deer Valley Ski Resort

The Difference is in the Details

When you’re treated as a guest of the resort and not just another skier on the mountain, that’s the “Deer Valley Difference,” and the difference is in the details. It felt like there was always a ski host when we needed one, from providing directions at the front steps or the top of many lifts. Even the restrooms were called lounges and were not only clean but contained amenities that, as a girl, I could uniquely appreciate. There are also abundant water fill stations that include paper cups by almost every “lounge,” making it easy to stay hydrated.

After dropping my skis at the complimentary ski check at the end of the day, I utilized the complimentary boot / glove dryers in the locker room. It’s a little thing that I powered through when I was younger, but now, I really appreciate warm, dry boots in the morning.

Time and time again, when I wished I had something, I found it waiting for me at Deer Valley. When I was a Training Coach at Ritz Carlton, we called that our 6th Diamond – Mystique – where we anticipated the guest’s spoken and unspoken needs. Here, it’s the “Deer Valley Difference.”

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